Reviews - Celebrating Family

Slow Down and Savor the Holidays with Marie Callender’s Pies

This is my favorite time of the year. Fall makes me happy and Thanksgiving brings me joy! I love spending time with my family and hanging out in the kitchen. I especially love it when family from out-of-state visits during the holidays. But sometimes I do start to feel overwhelmed, especially since I prefer to cook from scratch with all natural  ingredients. A lot […]

The High Calling of Our Daily Work

Chances are that if you listen to talk radio at all you have heard Howard E. Butt Jr. give an inspirational monologue about the “high calling of our daily work.” These  messages usually inspire the listener to work hard, demonstrate integrity, and give their job their all. I admit that I really like these reminders. I never change the […]

Chocolate Hazelnut Cupcakes Made With Ambiance Coffee

I was recently challenged to make a non-drink recipe using coffee.  As you may know, I already use coffee in my chocolate pudding recipe but I had not used it in anything else. The first idea that came to mind was to alter the chocolate cake recipe that I make and substitute hot brewed coffee for the boiled water the recipe calls for. I took myself down to Smart and […]

Start Simple, Start Right – Kellogg’s Cereal for Breakfast

I love cereal and it is definitely one of my top 5 favorite foods. I tend to go for the healthier cereals and my kids love them, too. Before I had kids I was known to eat cereal for dinner several nights a week by choice. These days I usually only eat cereal for breakfast or as […]

Oscar’s Oasis: Wonderful Gem We Found on Netflix

Every once in a while we stumble upon something on Netflix that we just love. The latest find is a little show called Oscar’s Oasis. This show is hilarious and the kids are often seen rolling around on the floor laughing while watching Oscar try to survive life in the desert. The show has no dialogue and is reminiscent of the […]

How I Clean Naturally With Non-Toxic #HeinzVinegar

I cook with my household cleaner. Sometimes I grab it from under the sink and pour it right onto the food I am preparing. Before you dismiss me as crazy, you should know that my household cleaner is all natural and non-toxic white vinegar. I always keep some white vinegar in a spray bottle and it is the first thing I go for when I have a […]

Healing is a Choice (Book Review)

They say that time heals all wounds. They lie. Time alone heals nothing.  It is what you do with that time that makes the difference. Time alone can actually make a wound worse. If you have ever had a minor cut or scrape that got infected and left it untreated then you know what I am talking about. Without […]

Pillsbury Artisan Pizza Crust with Whole Grain (Review and Giveaway) (09/22)

We love pizza around here…who doesn’t? My kiddos are regular pizza engineers and they love to build this cheesy treat. I recently got the opportunity to try Pillsbury’s new Artisan Pizza Crust which has whole grain.  I usually try to make my food from scratch, but I find that using pre-made pizza dough saves a ton of time. Since […]

Barbie Fashion Show at My House

Having a daughter really changed my life. Even though I was obviously a little girl myself once, I am perpetually surprised at how much my daughter already cares about fashion and  style. What she wears really matters to her and she enjoys dressing up.  In our family we are big on modesty and emphasizing inner beauty, but this mom has to […]

Tons of Fun: Peter Piper’s New PlayPets Birthday Party Package

Peter Piper Pizza is NO LONGER offering this package. Please go here for updated package info. Other than Christmas and the last day of school, most kids don’t look forward to anything more than their birthdays. I enjoy seeing my children’s eager anticipation as they count down the days to party time. I love birthday parties, especially when I don’t have […]

Lilla Rose Flexi Pin Review – Help a Family Adopt!

Someone I love is struggling with infertility and it is an issue that is near and dear to my heart. When I heard that a couple named Jasmine and Luke were dealing with this issue and that Jasmine was selling Lilla Rose products to help raise money to adopt a child ($20,000 goal) I got right on […]

Fun with Colortime Crafts and Markers

I recently shared with you that I still like to color. That is very true, but my kiddos love to color and I have endless boxes of markers, colored pencils, and crayons to prove it. We recently tried out a craft from Colortime Crafts and Markers and my little coloring fiends were very satisfied. I was satisfied too because the […]