Tweens and Teens - Celebrating Family

40 Things to Do If You Are Bored

Several years ago my kids really started zoning out on technology and before I knew it they had one serious bad habit on their hands. So I took action by giving each kiddo a screen time punch card.  I also posted 40 Things to Do If You Are Bored on my refrigerator and when they got […]

When Reading is Hard: Lexercise Professional Therapy Review

Lexercise guarantees your child will improve one grade level in reading after just 8 weeks. Find out what happened when I took them up on that challenge. One of the most difficult experiences I have had as a parent is watching my child struggle in school, despite being highly intelligent. Maybe you can relate? You […]

Summer Reading List – Books For Your Tweens and Teens

Even though my children are now both in the tweens and teens categories, I still read books to them. I will read to them until they want me to stop. I love sharing stories with them and having the opportunity to talk about the lessons in these books. We have shared many classics and modern […]

6 Easy Ways to Help Your Middle Schooler Succeed

I always thought parenting would get easier as the kiddos got older. I was so very wrong. I have one child in junior high and one in elementary school and the challenges never seem to stop. It is difficult to watch as your children struggle, and middle school can slam kids with challenge after challenge […]

Screen Time Punch Card (Free Printables)

Even though we have computers, a TV, and cell phones, I consider my home a low media home. We do not have a game system, satellite TV, or a DVD player in our car. I know. We are so old school. However, even though our devices are limited, we still face the same dilemma many […]

It’s All About Me? Self-Centered Kids

I am not a big fan of attitude tees or of teaching kids to have attitudes in general. I do not think it is cute or funny. There are a few sayings that really get under my skin and the number one offender is It’s all about me (IAAM). When I see a little girl in a […]

Why Your Kids Should Do Chores

There is something about this picture that gets me thinking about Tom Sawyer painting that fence. Okay, so this is a boy – my son to be exact – painting a wall and not a fence. Regardless, I do love this picture because it shows my son doing something he loves to do; working and doing productive tasks around our house. Based […]