Life As I Know It - Celebrating Family

5 Basic Rules of Etiquette My Kids Know (But Many Adults Obviously Don’t)

In a increasingly digital world, do adults still know and practice basic etiquette? Do you?  “Children are natural mimics who act like their parents despite every effort to teach them good manners.” – Author Unknown I give people a lot of grace most of the time. I am willing to overlook flaws and missteps, just […]

5 Things You Can Do Today That Will Make a Difference to Your Children

There is a lot of pressure on moms these days.  Maybe there always has been. But it seems that social media makes it so much harder to be a mom, or at least it can make a mom feel like she just isn’t good enough. We question our methods, our instincts, our decisions. Are we […]

A Place for the Boys: Boy Scouts in the Modern Era

Since I am a former Cub Scout leader with a son in Boy Scouts, a lot of people have asked me what I think of all the changes going on in Boy Scouts of America. I typed this earlier today to share on my Facebook page, but decided to share it here instead. I think […]

Front Seat Safety Matters

When I was a kid, my sisters and I had some pretty heated disputes over who would sit in the front seat. I recall one day when I yelled shotgun and dove in through the open car window into the front seat. In my mind, I deserved to sit in the front seat because I […]

Catnip Tea (For Cats)

Cats are pretty sure they rule the world. Sometimes I think they only let me believe I am in charge. I am not even sure if this tea was my idea, or an idea planted in my mind by my cats. I drink tea almost daily and I usually have a cat staring at me while […]

Honoring Our Heroes with Kleenex and Kroger Stores

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #HonoringOurHeroes #CollectiveBias There has been an explosion of superhero movies during my children’s lifetimes and I love it. However, if you ask my kiddos who their hero is, they will tell you it’s Daddy. As I have shared in the […]

Respect Your Elders – 3 Ways You Can Help Today

During my childhood I had very little exposure to anyone over 60. My grandparents were young and we lived far away from my great grandparents. As a result, I never gained an appreciation for the value that elders add to the community and to our families. Now, as a parent, I see it as my […]

Follow Me to Mexico With Unbound – Let’s Make a Difference Together #BlogUnbound

I recently became aware of a wonderful charitable organization called Unbound. Have you heard of it? It turns out I have a few friends who sponsor a child, young adult, or elder through Unbound. The mission of Unbound is to walk with the poor and marginalized of the world. Walking with them means helping to provide […]

8 Rules for Taking Your Toddler to Other People’s Homes

I no longer have a toddler in my home. Both of my babies have grown and I now have a grade schooler and a middle schooler. But it only seems like yesterday that I was dealing with tantrums and potty training. I thoroughly enjoyed those days, but I do not miss them. Toddlers can be […]

Celebrating Shelter Dogs and How You Can Help – #PedigreeGives

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PedigreeGives #CollectiveBias Life is better with a dog. Who else loves you unconditionally and thinks you are the most fantastic person ever? The days in my life where I have not had a dog are very small in […]

Motherhood is Sweet

There really is no way to describe the love you can have for your children. Being a mom truly changes your life. In so many ways, motherhood makes your life harder, but there is a sweetness to it that eclipses the struggles. Deciding to become a mother is risky. It means you might have to […]

So, I Let Myself Get Fat

In the last year, I have put on 20 pounds. I could blame turning 40, my husband returning from a deployment, or genetics, but as the song goes “I know, it’s my own damn fault.” I start making better choices “tomorrow” almost everyday. But today, I ate an entire box of Dots at the movies. […]