If you have ever read a book by Tim Kimmel or heard him speak, then you already know that his views on parenting and family can be strikingly different than what you might encounter from other Christian experts. It seems obvious that the heart of the Christian parenting message should be grace, but unfortunately it often is not. I am always […]
The Croods Movie Review
From the first time my family saw a preview for the movie The Croods, my kiddos wanted to see it. I, however, was not interested. I am not into the whole caveman dynamic, in fact I find it quite annoying. But when the opportunity to see this movie at an early screening came up, I decided to take the kiddos to […]
Passing On Your Family’s Story or Why You Should Journal
“The beauty of being a sister is that when you connect with the people you grew up with, you can go back and be a kid again. You can laugh and giggle and just be crazy. You don’t have to be a dignified, responsible person because a sister knows who you really are.” – Helen Landrum, Fluffy, Funny, and […]
The High Calling of Our Daily Work
Chances are that if you listen to talk radio at all you have heard Howard E. Butt Jr. give an inspirational monologue about the “high calling of our daily work.” These messages usually inspire the listener to work hard, demonstrate integrity, and give their job their all. I admit that I really like these reminders. I never change the […]
Oscar’s Oasis: Wonderful Gem We Found on Netflix
Every once in a while we stumble upon something on Netflix that we just love. The latest find is a little show called Oscar’s Oasis. This show is hilarious and the kids are often seen rolling around on the floor laughing while watching Oscar try to survive life in the desert. The show has no dialogue and is reminiscent of the […]
Healing is a Choice (Book Review)
They say that time heals all wounds. They lie. Time alone heals nothing. It is what you do with that time that makes the difference. Time alone can actually make a wound worse. If you have ever had a minor cut or scrape that got infected and left it untreated then you know what I am talking about. Without […]
My Big Bottom Blessing (Book Review)
I have read more books about weight loss and health than I care to remember. Some of the books were profound while others were silly. Some offered realistic advice, while others were flat out ridiculous. Some books treated our bodies like evolved machines while others reminded us that we were created by a Holy God. When I […]
2012 Holiday Season Movie Preview
One of my favorite things to do is to go to the movies. The recent shooting at the Aurora theater was a terrible act and caused so much tragedy for so many families. We just went to the movies yesterday and I couldn’t help but think about those movie fans who lost their lives in the theater. […]
My Fairy Tale Books Personalized Book Review
If your children are like mine, they love stories. Sometimes I tell stories with them as the lead character and they really love that. It can sure be fun for a kid to be part of the story. One of our most cherished times in the day is when we get together to read our bedtime stories. My Fairy Tale Books has a […]
Why Men Hate Going to Church
I decided to review Why Men Hate Going to Church (2011) by David Murrow because the title intrigued me. Most of us know at least one couple that consists of a churchgoing wife and stay-at-home-on-Sunday husband. In fact, there really can be no doubt that overall Christian churches are more heavily populated by women than by men. Don’t believe me? Just […]
Frank Peretti’s Illusion (Book Review)
I am a big fan of Frank Peretti and I have read many of his books including my favorite, The Visitation. I recently read Peretti’s newest release Illusion which is his first novel in several years. This book was different than any other Peretti book I have read. Illusion is a timeless love story which Peretti says was […]
I See Me Personalized Book Review
I recently received an I See Me! personalized book to review. I have purchased personalized books in the past and have been disappointed with how they turned out. When I agreed to review the God Loves Me book from I See Me!, I was not expecting much. However, when I received the book in the […]