Reviews - Celebrating Family

Gevalia Kaffe Review

Coffee seems to be a way of life lately. It seems like there is a coffee shop on every corner. I do not usually drink coffee, but since I gave tea up for Lent I have been drinking coffee from time to time. I have tried the coffees from a few chain stores and most of it tastes bitter to me. […]

Unshaken: Rising from the Ruins of Haiti’s Hotel Montana (Book review)

When Dan Woolley went to Haiti he never thought he would experience a life changing event that would strengthen his faith, his marriage, and his desire to serve others. Dan went to Haiti to get video footage of the work Compassion International was doing there. After a day’s work, Dan and his videographer, David, went […]

Taste Test: Nutella vs. Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut Butter

Like most of you, we love Nutella in this family. It is marketed as a healthy choice but it does have sugar as the first ingredient and palm oil as the second. I love that it has hazelnuts, real cocoa, and skim milk but while I wouldn’t call it junk food, I certainly wouldn’t call it healthy either.  I saw Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut Butter […]

Movie Review: The Muppets

“It’s time to play the music.  It’s time to light the lights.  It’s time to meet the Muppets on the Muppet Show tonight!”   What child of the 70s and 80s doesn’t know this song?  The Muppet Show was one of my favorite television shows when I was a kid.   I thought the show was hilarious, imaginative, fun, and as an added […]

Book Review: One Call Away by Brenda Warner

Sometimes you read a book that you expect to be mediocre and find it to be a gripping page turner that you cannot put down. This was my experience when I recently had the opportunity to read One Call Away by Brenda Warner.  The only reason I decided to read this particular book was because […]

The Benefits of Child Carriers (And My Favs)

I’ll admit it – I am a baby carrier addict. At one point I owned seven different brands and styles. I even made one for my daughter so she could carry her dolls around. I love the freedom and convenience of baby carriers. Here’s a quick list of the benefits of using a baby carrier: […]

Halloween Costume Review – Affordable and Very Cute

I recently received a Halloween costume to review from I was a little apprehensive about reviewing a costume because my daughter is very sensitive to how clothing feels and often complains of things being “too scratchy.” has a huge selection of girls Halloween costumes, but I was worried that whatever we selected, my daughter would reject it. She […]

The Lion King in 3D – You’d Better Hurry!

In case you have not heard, Disney released The Lion King in 3D in theaters on September 16 and is only planning to to keep it in theaters for two weeks. That means it will be out of theaters after Thursday. Disney will then release the movie in a DVD/Blu-Ray combo pack on October 4. I took my children […]

Book Review: In Praise of Plan B by Tim Kimmel

Have you ever had a plan for your life that got blown out of the water? Are you where you thought you would be by now? Have you ever asked yourself how you got where you are? Did you wake up one morning and find you were stuck in Plan B? If you are a […]

Sidral Mundet: Mexican Apple Soda

I was recently sent two bottles of Sidral Mundet, an apple-flavored, authentic Mexican soft drink made with 100% real sugar. I received a bottle of each flavor – Original and Manzana Verde (Green Apple). We prefer Mexican soda around here because it contains real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. We were excited to try out the soda […]

Five Must-Read Children’s Chapter Books

As a child, I was a voracious reader. I read whatever I could get my hands on. I was so excited and delighted when I started reading chapter books to my son because I got to reread my favorites and discover new ones.  There are so many children’s books that I could recommend, but today I will narrow it down to five. Here are just five of many must-read children’s […]

The Hottest Summer Toys

I recently had the opportunity to meet Chris Byrne (a.k.a. The Toy Guy) content director of family-friendly resource site Chris is a leading expert on toys, play, and children’s trends with more than 27 years experience in the toy industry, and is also a frequent guest on various TV shows. Chris met with me […]