Back when I was a teenager my favorite shoes were Converse All Stars. I love basic shoes and appreciate a classic. I also love that they can be a little offbeat and unique. But once I hit my 30s I stopped wearing my favorite shoes because I felt like I was trying to cling to […]
Roasted Tomatillo Salsa
El Monterey recently sent me several boxes of their taquitos so I could try them out and share some game day ideas with my fantastic readers. Everyone knows that finger foods make the best snacks on game day. El Monterey has so many choices and a lot of tasty taquito flavors. The flavors they sent […]
Keep it Simple Silly #SayYes2Less
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Little Remedies. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating. All opinions are my own and are truthful (of course!). Have you ever heard the expression that sometimes less is more? I […]
Indie-Designed Christmas Cards from Minted
Please forgive me. I know it is still September and Fall has only just begun but if you are like me, you put off ordering your Christmas cards until it is too late to get anything you absolutely love. So even though it may be scorching hot outside, I bring you a glimpse of what […]
Love to Stay – What to Read if You Only Read One Marriage Book This Year
I read a lot of Christian books but I have recently steered clear of Christian books on marriage. The simple reason is that they tend to include what, to me, seems like an overload of anecdotes. The formula goes something like this: idea, supporting Bible verse, a few examples from people’s lives. I know some […]
Why You Should Attend the Blended Conference (and a Ticket Giveaway)
I love attending conferences. I admit it. If I could, I would attend one per month. It does not even matter what the subject is – I just love to learn. Last year I attended a small dinner that focused on food photography and I loved it. This year, that small dinner has grown into […]
10 Christians Everyone Should Know (Book Review)
I wasn’t raised in the church and did not learn much about church history and leaders during my upbringing. Most of what I know I learned by reading and researching as an adult. I love reading about other believers throughout history and I find their stories inspiring and enlightening. I recently had the chance to read 10 […]
TWR360 – Christian Programming in the Digital Age
Before I was a grown-up all I wanted to listen to on the radio was music. But over the last couple of decades I have gravitated more toward talk radio programming. I used to spend quite a lot of time listening to sermons and other Christian programming on the radio, but my local Christian talk […]
Back-to-school Physicals at Walgreens Healthcare Clinic
Back-to-school time really adds to the to-do list around here and one of the things on that list is a sports physical for my son. Luckily I got the chance to visit our local Walgreens Healthcare Clinic as part of a sponsored post for Collective Bias®. Walgreens has been revamping their stores and in many locations […]
School’s In – Break Out the Fellowes Laminator (And a Giveaway)
Back when I was a teacher my favorite part of the copy room was the massive laminator it housed. I found myself drawn to it. I made massive laminated posters and flash cards and whatever else I could think of. So when I was contacted by The Motherhood about reviewing the Fellowes Laminator I was […]
Back to School With Bigelow Tea (and a Challenge for You!)
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric Community®. This shop has been compensated as a part of a social shopper insight study for Collective Bias and their client. Today is the first day of school for my kiddos. I do not mind saying that I am one happy mama. We had a […]
Six Classic Live Action Disney Movies Your Family Will Love
I am a sucker for the classics, in both literature and on the silver screen. I love the feel of older movies and love sharing them with my children. Sometimes the movies I remember loving as a kid fall flat with my kiddos. However, many of my favorites have made their way into my children’s […]