Yesterday my husband took me to go see Act of Valor. We were interested in seeing it even though most of the reviews we had heard were negative. What intrigued us was that those who had seen it and loved it were people who hold the military in high regard. We are a military family and we often grow tired of the seemingly endless stream of movies that make the military look like […]
Unshaken: Rising from the Ruins of Haiti’s Hotel Montana (Book review)
When Dan Woolley went to Haiti he never thought he would experience a life changing event that would strengthen his faith, his marriage, and his desire to serve others. Dan went to Haiti to get video footage of the work Compassion International was doing there. After a day’s work, Dan and his videographer, David, went […]
Movie Review: The Muppets
“It’s time to play the music. It’s time to light the lights. It’s time to meet the Muppets on the Muppet Show tonight!” What child of the 70s and 80s doesn’t know this song? The Muppet Show was one of my favorite television shows when I was a kid. I thought the show was hilarious, imaginative, fun, and as an added […]
Book Review: One Call Away by Brenda Warner
Sometimes you read a book that you expect to be mediocre and find it to be a gripping page turner that you cannot put down. This was my experience when I recently had the opportunity to read One Call Away by Brenda Warner. The only reason I decided to read this particular book was because […]
The Lion King in 3D – You’d Better Hurry!
In case you have not heard, Disney released The Lion King in 3D in theaters on September 16 and is only planning to to keep it in theaters for two weeks. That means it will be out of theaters after Thursday. Disney will then release the movie in a DVD/Blu-Ray combo pack on October 4. I took my children […]
Book Review: In Praise of Plan B by Tim Kimmel
Have you ever had a plan for your life that got blown out of the water? Are you where you thought you would be by now? Have you ever asked yourself how you got where you are? Did you wake up one morning and find you were stuck in Plan B? If you are a […]
Five Must-Read Children’s Chapter Books
As a child, I was a voracious reader. I read whatever I could get my hands on. I was so excited and delighted when I started reading chapter books to my son because I got to reread my favorites and discover new ones. There are so many children’s books that I could recommend, but today I will narrow it down to five. Here are just five of many must-read children’s […]
Fresh – A Movie About Food That Gives You Hope
Wendy with Around My Family Table recently invited me to attend a home screening of a documentary film called Fresh. As I have never had the opportunity to preview and review a film I agreed immediately. Fresh is a film intended for anyone who cares about what they eat in any way. It details the […]