VTech product provided by VTech.
Two years ago I received a VTech Innotab 2S to review and my daughter has been playing with it ever since. She loves that little tablet and has really made it her own by decorating it and changing all the settings to make it pretty and fun. She near the upper age for this tablet but she is still loving it. She was very excited when I told her I was going to receive two new learning cartridges for her to try out. The two new games we received were Pixar Play and I Spy Adventure. The cartridges are compatible with all current InnoTab models and will also work with new models that will be released later this year, including the InnoTab MAX.
My daughter went straight to playing when the cartridges arrived. Both games held her attention but she especially liked the Pixar Play cartridge. Even my sixth grade son wanted to play the Buzz Lightyear game. Both learning cartridges were easy to use and entertaining.
Here are the basics:
InnoTab Pixar Play Learning Cartridge (Ages 4-7 years; MSRP: $24.99)
- The Pixar Store is open, and it’s time to play! In Pixar Play for VTech’s InnoTab Learning Tablets, explore fun games and activities featuring your favorite characters from Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Monsters University and The Incredibles!
- This InnoTab Learning Cartridge includes a variety of features such as five learning games that introduce spelling, letters, vocabulary, reading, phonics and creativity, an e-Book that retells the story of the movie “The Incredibles,” and allows you to take photos with your favorite Pixar characters.
InnoTab I Spy Adventure Learning Cartridge (Ages 4-7 years; MSRP: $24.99)
- I spy a fun-filled problem-solving adventure in this title for VTech’s InnoTab Learning Tablets!
- Kids can practice early reading skills as they read and solve I SPY riddles and play games to unlock 50 levels of play – each more challenging than the next.
- Find, match and sore a variety of photo-realistic objects across four action-packed thinking games that build logic, vocabulary and visual discrimination skills.
Watch the video below to hear my daughter explain why she likes these learning cartridges. This is her very first review video and I think she did pretty well.
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I will givem them to my grandkids!! Awesome job Ruby!!!
Ruby is a future Broadcast Journalist in the making!!
Thanks all!We bought the ottoman fabric at wwdraesigne.fabrics.cw. The style was Devin in the Film Noir colourway (though I don't see that particular colour online).My seamstress's name is Gail and her phone # is 647-233-6683. She's located near Queen & Carlaw. You can tell her Jennifer referred you 🙂
I would give these to my son, he’d love to play them.
I would give them to my little grandson. He would have fun with them.
These would be for my great-niece.
I would give it to my nephew I’m sure hes gonna love it 🙂
Oh I would love to give these to my grandson! We have the Innotab, but no games for it! He would love these! We read the I Spy books almost every night!
I would give these to my grandson!
I would give them to my grandson who is 4 years old
I would give them to my niece Caroline!
I would gift them to my youngest daughter.
I would give this to my son!
I would give them to my youngest daughter.
I will give them to my son if I win! He is getting an Innotab Max for Christmas!! 😀
I’d give them to my two kids.
I would give these to my son.
I would give the cartridges to my grandson.
I’d give them to my little girl.
I would give them to my nephew
I would give them to my nephew.
i would give these to my 4 year old daughter
I will give to the kids for xmas gifts
I would give these to my son and daughter to share.
It would be a birthday gift for my daughter.
I will be giving them to my grandson!