Ah, the Joshua tree. Beautiful in a Dr. Suess sort of way. Officially known as a Yucca brevifolia, it is part of the agave family. Taken alone they are not that impressive, but as soon as you stand in the middle of a forest of Joshua trees, you have to pause and take it in. Some of my family lives in the middle of these Joshua trees and I snapped a few pics to share with you. What do you think about these trees? Are they beautiful in your eyes?
This was a double rainbow and it was impressive. Such beauty.
Curious looking trees aren’t they?
Do you think these trees are beautiful? When I was a kid they fascinated me but I thought they were ugly. Now I find them oddly beautiful and I can not stop taking pictures of them when I am in their forest. There is so much variety from tree to tree and so much strange beauty as well. My son wants to plant one of these trees in our yard, but they won’t grow well here. I guess we will just have to be happy with a simple picture.
They are pretty interesting trees don’t you think? Feel free to leave a comment. Share and let’s talk about it.
Yes, indeed they are!! I’ve never seen anything quite like these!
OMG it has been a long time since I have seen them! I love them and yes they are beautiful. I used to love driving through the Joshua tree forest!
OMG!! Those are awesome pic’s Janice. I love driving through the Joshua Tree Forrest because it is so different than anything else you have ever seen. Bob couldn’t get enough when we drove through it. Thanks for the pics, they are amazing.
we live close i think we need to make a visit thank you for sharing so pretty
This is the first time that I’ve actually seen a picture of a Joshua Tree. They are strangely beautiful. I love the picture of the double rainbow. Rainbows always remind me of nature’s beauty.
I’ve never seen these before but I had heard of them. God has made many wondrous creations (Zebra, anyone?) and I always love hearing about those I didn’t know of. Thanks for the post on the Joshua tree!
I love in the desert and have seen these most of my life…they are beautiful (and yes there is something Suessian about them)
I love trees. These are so beautiful. I would love to add one to my tree collection
I did not know these trees were ‘joshua’ trees…thanks for the info, they are sturdy and beautiful.
I love these trees. They provide beautiful scenery for Arizona or California drives.
Pictures are very beautiful, wonderful landscapes.