We love Entenmann’s® Little Bites® because they are tasty, soft, and easy to take on the run. My kiddos get pretty excited when I bring these delightful treats home and their mouths were watering when they saw the newest seasonal Little Bites flavor: Vanilla Muffin (for a limited time)! What a simple way to celebrate the sweetness of the season.
Entenmann’s Little Bites contain no high fructose corn syrup, are made with real ingredients, are certified Kosher, and are less than 200 calories per pouch. My kiddos enjoyed these and yours probably will, too. They are available for a limited time so do not miss out!

I’m an aunt & my nephews are here most days after school. we celebrate actually getting the homework done before their parents get home from work. (And that can be like pulling teeth, lol, so it needs to be celebrated.) They love finding Little Bites for an after-school snack.
Oohh! Haven’t seen this flavor yet! The kids would love these! We like to gather in the kitchen for after school snack time to catch up on our days before everyone heads in different directions for their evening activities. Thanks for the fun post!
We enjoy evening time together as a family having dinner.
jslbrown2009 at aol dot com
We read aloud every night over dessert (usually fruit, though these would be welcomed!). All four kids for 30 min (currently The Trumpet of the Swan), tuck the two littles in, then the two bigs and I read another book aloud for 30 min (currently The Dark is Rising series). These moments of connection are what we celebrate!
While not an every day moment, we go on family bike rides. Our kids are at the age where they aren’t too embarrassed to be seen in public with us, so we have to take advantage and do it now.
Everyday moments with my kids here in northern New Hampshire changes daily. Yesterday it was snowing when woke up but today it is in the 50’s and sunny and warm so we are going to finally be able to play some ball in the yard and not have to wear a winter jacket to do it.
My grandchildrenands I love entemans, but we don’t have them here where i live. ..love them. When i am in arizona…i buy plenty and we eat them in the backyard for a special snack.
We celebrate a good grade on a test!
i celebrate start of seasons with my kids.
Most recently we celebrated my son’s achievement in math. He and his fellow classmates placed third in our local math Masters competition. I couldn’t be happier or more proud.
We celebrate every week by having dinner on fridays. The kids pitch in and we make it a whole adventure. The kids love it.
We celebrate good days at school or trying something new.
Ohhhh, haven’t tried these ones yet! But we love the donuts!! We haven’t implemented it yet, but we want to start doing a family game night every week to help break up the chaos of the school/work week & have some fun family time 🙂 I do try to take them out for a treat when they have good days, especially at school. For example, last week, they all had excellent accomplishments for the day, so we made an impromptu trip to DQ that night!
We celebrate great weather by going out hiking and biking.
We celebrate positive moments when he is helpful, great in school, and his has a good accomplishment.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
We celebrate when my daughter does well in school since that can be a struggle for her.
An everyday moment we celebrate together is when my grandsons get home and we talk about their day. We celebrate when they “clip up” on their behavior chart at school or earn “boomerang bucks” for good behavior.
We love to celebrate my daughters softball achievements with all kinds of different snacks and would love to try these.
I celebrate everyday that we are together and healthy.
We celebrate those times when we are having a hard day, but choose to be cheerful and grateful for the good things.
My kids love little bites!!
We love Game Nights!!! Some times we even do Game Nights with the rest of the family. Those nights can get pretty loud! Lol. Something in my household we have been doing since my kids were little is a Bday date with Mom each year. I know it’s only once a year, but something special I love to do with my kids. They get to spend one on one time with Mom which doesn’t happen too often since there are 3 of them!! Entenmann’s are definitely a family favorite, anytime!! I can’t wait to try the Vanilla ones!
We use every excuse to celebrate. Friday we are celebrating the last day of school! With giant donuts, of course.
love to celebrate christmas; thanksgiving; three kings day and many more holidays with my family and now try to find kid friendly things to do around town during the summer.
We love to celebrate Halloween it’s my Birthday and my daughters fave holiday..We like to dress up and go trick or treating and then having a big party..
We celebrate good grades and good behavior! Thanks for the giveaway!
We celebrate our kids achievements no matter how small or big they are. Thanks for the chance to win
We celebrate the time we to spend together specially dinner time when we all have time to talk about everything
Entenmann’s are good for everyday I love them and we finally got them here in Missouri a couple of months ago I’m so excited I would love to have all my grandkids sit around my table and eat Edmonds with some cocoa
We make a big deal of any special day, and Entenmanns muffins are always a favorite treat. We love to take the bags of muffins with us when we travel as well.
We celebrate simple non complex weekend family time
I don’t have any kids of my own, but I have a niece and I celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with her.