I recently heard that a woman I went to high school with lost her husband in a freak accident in Africa. She and her husband were missionaries in Malawi and were doing amazing things there. This woman was not a personal friend of mine, just a very nice girl I once shared a school with. Even though I do not know her well, I was deeply moved by this story and wanted to share it with you.
Instead of writing about this situation I think it is best if I share this video that was recently posted on HeartFireInternational in celebration of Daryl Martin’s life. Please watch it. The first few minutes includes footage from Daryl’s funeral in Malawi, but the rest is about his work there and includes video clips of Daryl and his wife Rebekah.
Daryl Martin’s Memorial Video (Sept 24th – HD Version) from Michael Lafleur on Vimeo.
Watching this video and reading about this tragedy has touched me and moved me to tears. I am saddened that a man doing such good works for the Lord died and left his family without him. I am saddened that his wife Rebekah has to go through this tragedy. I am saddened for the children, both Daryl’s and the children he was serving in Africa. But at the same time I am encouraged and challenged to do more with my life. What amazing leaps of faith Daryl and Rebekah made in going to Malawi. What wonderful and heartfelt service they gave. It makes me feel convicted that I am not doing enough. I wonder if I am doing everything I can do to help others and spread the love of Christ to those around me. Am I following my calling? Would I be willing to say “Here I am Lord!” and really mean it? I think this tragedy has awakened me and now I can say wholeheartedly “Yes!” to the Lord.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” – Isaiah 6:8
If you are moved by this story and can make a contribution, donations can be made through Iris Ministries USA (Iris Ministries, P.O. Box 493995, Redding, CA 96049-3995, USA), or Iris Ministries Canada (Iris Ministries Canada, 10-1425 Abbeywood Drive, Oakville, Ontario L6M 3R3 Canada). Please designate gifts for “Rebekah Martin.”
A very touching post. Thanks for sharing this. I hope Rebekah will stay strong. And may Daryl rest in peace.
These were missionaries from our church family and close to many of our members.
Rebekah has also been dealing with gall bladder issues thru this as well. Thank you for passing on the news and the prayers.
Miss seeing you,
Thanks for sharing such a heart warming and spiritual story. I will be praying for the people in Malawi and his wife.
Such a tragedy! Praying for them.
Such a touching post. I pray for the people in Malawi and her family.
Such a tragic story but a touching post. Will keep them all in my thoughts
This is a lovely post and touching story. It’s nice to see the many lives that he and his wife have impacted and the good that they do for others. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing such a nice post. It brightened my day 🙂
It is a tragedy for those left behind. Thank you for highlighting Daryl and his family in this way. Is interesting to consider his new vantage point on these and other matters.
Warm Regards,
This is such a lovely post and really a touching story that everyone could relate on. It’s nice to see the many lives that he and his wife have impacted and the good that they do for others. Aside from this, I will be praying for the people in Malawi and his wife.Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing. I’m humbled at the work this man and his family has done. I thank God for the work He has begun through them and believe many more will come to the saving knowledge of Christ. I’m so moved for Rebekah and their children.I pray God’s protection and providence for them
Thanks for sharing this. Stopping by from the SU4U hop. Stumbled it for you.
thank you for the post. WE all need to be motivated to move and act. this post will set forth motion that will do much good in the world.
I voted for you “on the fence”
jenny at dapperhouse