Start Simple, Start Right - Kellogg's Cereal for Breakfast

Start Simple, Start Right – Kellogg’s Cereal for Breakfast

I love cereal and it is definitely one of my top 5 favorite foods. I tend to go for the healthier cereals and my kids love them, too. Before I had kids I was known to eat cereal for dinner several nights a week by choice. These days I usually only eat cereal for breakfast or as a late night snack.

As I grow older I am getting much more cognizant of the healthfulness of what I am eating. Have you ever looked at a nutrition label on some of the cereals out there?  It can be pretty scary. Kellogg’s has several cereals that you can feel good about. Have you heard of the Kellogg’s Start Simple, Start Right initiative?  Kellogg’s knows that parents like you and me care about the ingredients that go into the products we feed our families. Several of Kellogg’s cereals have only a handful of simple ingredients. Here are the boxes I was sent to review:

  • Kellogg’s Raisin Bran
  • Kellogg’s All Bran
  • Kellogg’s Corn Flakes
  • Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Original
  • Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Gluten Free
gluten free rice krispies

I have to admit that I had never given my kiddos Corn Flakes before. I had forgotten just how much I love it. I gave my kiddos their first bowls of Corn Flakes and they were hooked! That was the first box to go. We also really enjoyed the Rice Krispies Gluten Free which I discovered I like more than the regular Rice Krispies.  It only has three ingredients and the first is whole grain brown rice. It is very tasty, especially with rice milk. All of these cereals are delicious and I love the fact that they are made from simple nutritious ingredients. That is so important to me as I am trying to simplify our diets.  Check out these videos to learn more about the Seed to Spoon approach Kellogg’s uses.




Check out this infographic. It is a great visual to see the process of Seed to Spoon.  

Do you love cereal? Are simple ingredients important to you? Feel free to leave a comment. Share and let’s talk about it.

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Kellogg’s. I received sample products to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.

About Janice

I am so glad you stopped by. Kick your shoes off and hang with me a while. I am an Arizona native, wife to a hard-working hubby, mom of two, and daughter of the King. I love sharing recipes, crafts, and family activities that any mom can do. Life is complicated enough, right? When I am not up to my ears in laundry, dishes, and creating for Celebrating Family, you will also find me at East Valley Mom Guide. Come follow me on Google +, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter.


  1. Raisin Bran is a family favorite. My 12 year old requests Raisin Bran over a lot of the fun cereals full of sugar! It makes me feel better to know that she is putting something good in her stomach before school.

  2. It seems like more and more people are needing to avoid gluten – I love that companies like kelloggs see their special needs and adapt to them so they don’t have to miss out on their favorite foods.

  3. These are all regulars in my house. The kids love all of them

  4. Auntie Pam says

    We must be sisters or something because I eat cereal for dinner and/or any other time I feel like! One of my favorites is Rice Krispie Treats cereal and Corn Flakes.

  5. I love Kellogg’s cereals they are the best

  6. Debra Wagner says

    I love to eat cereal any time of day! It is always better with some fruit in it! YUm

  7. My favorite is Raisin Bran. I have loved it since I was a child. The Kellogg s brands are so much better than all that junk sugary cereal being sold.

  8. Lori Trezza says

    I love my Special K red berries cereal! I also may eat some Raisin Bran if my blood sugar is really low. This has really helped my eating well to lose weight! I did have to move to a smaller bowl so it looks like a big bowl of cereal but it’s really the actual serving size.

  9. I am so glad they are starting gluten free, I love that I can eat cereal again!

  10. Jaime Hendrickson says

    we are huge cereal eaters at our house. My husband LITERALLY eats a box a night. I guess he could have worse vices. this blog was really interesting!