Tissue is serious business in my house. I have two kids with allergies and we go through a lot of boxes. Usually, though, the boxes are destroyed well before they are empty and that is especially true of the tissue boxes we keep in the car. I was recently invited to try out the new Puffs SoftPack to see how it worked for my family. See that green box up in the picture? That flat little box, and all of its predecessors, is the reason I agreed to try out the SoftPack. The promotional email I received claimed that the “Puffs SoftPack includes a full-size amount of Puffs Basic tissues, yet it stays presentable no matter where you stuff it, crush it, or carry it!” Okay then. I’m game!
Do you now what happens when you buy a full-sized box of tissue and put it in a car that children ride in? I am sure you do. If not, let me explain. First, the tissue box gets tossed around, eventually landing on the floor. Then the children accidentally step on it while sitting in their seats, exposing the clean tissue to the floor of your car and its random messes. Sometimes you can save the tissue in a careful extraction and other times you have to throw the whole box away. I find this scenario annoying, wasteful, and expensive! My kids find it utterly surprising every single time it happens. But check out the picture below. On the left, the mess we usually have for tissues in the car. On the right, the new Puffs SoftPack. Which one do you think looks nicer?
The SoftPack also fits right inside of my console, where boxed tissue won’t fit. My console is usually full of charging cords, hairbrushes, pens, and other odds and ends, and it is not big enough for a full-sized tissue box anyway. But look; it just fits! Also, notice the teeny tiny opening in my console’s lid. You cannot see it in the picture, but it is marked tissue holder and fits one pocket-sized tissue pack. That is kind of a joke in our family since that amount of tissue would last us a day, maybe two. The Puffs SoftPack is immeasurably better!
The package truly is squishable and it holds up amazingly well. My son kept grabbing one of the SoftPacks and crumpling it up just to watch it return to its regular size and appearance. This could keep a boy occupied for quite a while!
We also found the Puffs SoftPack very convenient to take to the pool. Yes, we are still experiencing pool weather out here in Arizona! The SoftPack fits into the pool bag and since it is not made from paper it was safe even once the towels were wet. Pretty cool.
My son really loves the SoftPacks. He just kept commenting on how cool they are and even found a new use for them. “Look mom. A pillow!” Ah, soft, comfy, squishy convenience.
I love those. WE go through so many Puffs in my house.
Whoa! I’ve never even seen the softpack before — reminds me of the baby wipes packages. Love! Grabbing a few today… my allergies just kicked in for the season. *wah*
I love this soft pack. I’m always finding crushed tissue boxes around the house. They never survive in my house. Soft packs would be perfect! Will look for them the next time I’m at the store.
These are my favorite on-the-go tissues! They are durable, handy, and I love the package design. I have a million in my car at the beginning of the year, but still buy several packs throughout the year because of all the kids in and out of my car!
Love these soft packsyoub can fit them in anywhere!
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