It is the hour to rend thy chains, the blossom time of souls.
– Katherine Lee Bates
Easter is my favorite day of the year. It is a time to rejoice in the resurrection of my Savior, spend time with my family, and celebrate. My Easter celebration is more than just one day, however. As I mentioned recently, I observe Lent in order to focus more on an Easter season. Lent helps me grow closer to God, overcome strongholds, and experience an amazing Easter season.
This is Holy Week and as Easter draws nearer it is a great time to prepare your heart and your home for Easter Sunday. One tradition I am starting this year is cleaning my house in preparation for Easter. In one of my classes back in college I learned about an Eastern Orthodox tradition that involved cleaning the house from top to bottom before Easter. I do not recall the details or timeline but this activity fascinated me.
I remember seeing the video of all the people in a village cleaning their homes, whitewashing the walls, and getting the entire home washed to new. It was powerful and symbolic to me. I remembered this tradition when I was looking at my messy house and trying to get motivated to do some spring cleaning. It occurred to me that I have been spending Lent getting my heart ready for Easter and cleaning out the cobwebs, while my home was not getting the same treatment. I decided to spend this week continuing to prepare my heart for Easter while also getting my home ready. The two are related in my opinion. My goal is to have this place shining by the time Easter sunrise breaks over the Superstition Mountains and washes over my house.
Do you do have any traditions that help you and your family prepare for Easter? Feel free to leave a comment. Share and let’s talk about it.
We go on a hike, usually up a big hill, and talk about what it must have been like to walk that long walk with a cross.
What a great idea. Maybe I will take the kiddos out tomorrow and do that! Thanks for sharing.
Hope you and kids have a wonderful, fabulous Easter!