Wendy with Around My Family Table recently invited me to attend a home screening of a documentary film called Fresh. As I have never had the opportunity to preview and review a film I agreed immediately.
Fresh is a film intended for anyone who cares about what they eat in any way. It details the transition of our agricultural system from a family farm model to an industrial model and it illustrates the consequences of such a transition. Because I am a mom who cares about the food supply and the source of what I feed my family, I have already seen other movies with similar subject matter. As I started to watch Fresh, I wondered if and how it would be different from other movies like Food, Inc. I also wondered how, specifically, this movie would be useful to my blog readers.
Fresh begins with a farmer on his farm lovingly caring for his animals and ends with the viewer believing change can occur. In between the viewer is educated on the subject of the industrialization of the food industry and the consequences such as environmental pollution, antibiotic resistant bacteria, lack of agricultural diversity and mistreated farm animals. While the film does show some of the mistreatment of animals and describes a very long line of consequences associated with industrialized farming, the entire film is not a list of ways the viewer should be terrified with each bite they take. In fact, unlike other films such as Food, Inc., this film is mostly about what change-oriented farmers are doing right, why sustainable farming works and is superior and how everyday people can make a difference. It is similar to Food, Inc. except that it is a lot more positive, local-focused, and action-oriented.
While the poor state of the food industry is clearly shown, Fresh provides so many solutions that the problems do not seem insurmountable. The farmers highlighted in Fresh tell their own stories. Each one describes how and why they began farming in an organic and natural manner and how and why it works. One thing that impressed me was just how educated, aware, and scientific each famer was. These farmers ranged from families in the country raising animals the old-fashioned way to urban famers who use their small farms to educate and feed city-dwellers. The film also includes an interview with modern farmers who are bound by contract to the large food corporations. These farmers are never portrayed as villains but simply as family farmers who are trapped by contracts and public policy.
Fresh is not a movie with a blockbuster budget. Even so I found the film quality to be good. It is a very well put together documentary and by the end I cared about each person highlighted and was eager to learn more about the work they were doing. Most of us have seen movies that make us feel hopeless about the food industry and food safety. If you would like to see a movie that will give you hope and encourage you, watch Fresh.
This quote from the end of Fresh is one my favorites from the entire film. This is how I think this movie is relevant to my readers: the choices you make for your family matter.
“Every decision we make at the supermarket – what we grow, what we eat – is creating a different future for the land, the farmers, for the diversity of our crops, for the health of our bodies and communities.”
Unfortunately, Fresh is not yet available for individual use. You can however, host or attend a screening. Celebrating Family readers can use the code “FreshTable” for a 10% discount off DVDs/screening licenses. The price to purchase Fresh for home screening only (and to obtain a screening license) is $29.95 before the discount. If you wish to hold a community screening at your church or local community group, there are other prices and screening opportunities available. Or you can search the Fresh website to find an upcoming screening near you.
What food focused documentaries have you watched? Have you seen Fresh? What do you think the future holds for the food industry? Feel free to leave a comment. Share and let’s talk about it.
(I was not compensated in any way for this review.)
Thank you so much for your sweet comment and I'm thrilled to return your follow:) http://www.mammatown.blogspot.com
This sounds like an amazing movie. It is always refreshing when you can watch a movie about how things are moving in the right direction, and not about all of the negative things that are going on in the World today. I have met a couple of farmers here in Missouri, and they are very educated, especially about farming. I mean have you ever tried growing a garden, it's tough! I always read labels and try to be cautious about what I buy. The more label readers we have in America the better the food will become in the end. I hope to see this movie soon. Thanks for always encouraging me to think outside of the box. That's one of the things I love about you best 🙂
Great idea for a movie. It’s important to understand where our food comes from and how it affects us.
Thanks for sharing this review
That sounds like an interesting movie. It is really important to know what goes in our food, and it so hard to tell nowadays with all the changes the industries are trying to make for these farmers!
I haven’t seen any food related documentaries but this one sounds very educative. I’m just praying we move strongly towards the natural.I cringe each time I read of the no of chemicals our veggies and fruits have!