Dark Phoenix is the newest installment in the X-Men movie franchise and centers on Jean Grey’s growing power and her struggle to control it. If you think this story sounds familiar, you are right. Jean Grey’s struggle to control her power was at the heart of X-Men: The Last Stand. That struggle ended with Wolverine killing Jean and set up regret for Wolverine in future movies. However, Wolverine reset the timeline in 1973 during X-Men: Days of Future Past. This changed timeline may have confused some fans, but it also allowed for the telling of new and alternative storylines such as Dark Phoenix, which I believe is one of the best X-Men movies to date (I know many critics disagree).
Dark Phoenix takes place in 1992 when the space shuttle Endeavor is on its first mission. It is during this mission that something happens to Jean that makes her lack of control even more dangerous and forces Xavier to face his role in Jean’s issues. The rest of the movie is the story of Jean’s struggle to control her powers, her friends engaging in that struggle, the temptations of limitless power, and the consequences of choices. The movie is truly captivating and it does not let you go until the end. Speaking of the end, if you feel discouraged by it, just remember what Wolverine (who is not in this movie) found when he returned from resetting the timeline. 😉
Parents, the movie does not have much in the way of adult content, mostly kissing. However, there is some profanity including one f-word, two s-words, and a misuse of Jesus’ name. There are some violent scenes including a car accident, a major character’s death, and many intense battle scenes.
Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action including some gunplay, disturbing images, and brief strong language.
Scene after the credits? No.
Disclaimer: I attended a media screening of this movie to facilitate the review. All opinions are mine.