What does it mean to be an American? Is it about making a profit? Multiculturalism or politics? Or is it something bigger? Maybe an ideology or shared purpose? The question of what it means to be an American is quite complicated and we could debate the answer for hours. I was recently reminded of what it really means to be an American while watching the latest movie from DreamWorks Pictures, Bridge of Spies. This movie tells the story of an attorney who is tasked with defending an accused Soviet spy against charges that could land him in the electric chair. The movie takes place during the height of the Cold War and the spy’s attorney, James Donovan, quickly becomes a hated man. Nobody can understand why he is giving accused spy Rudolf Abel a real defense.
The cast of Bridge of Spies is amazing and more than one cast member delivers an Oscar-worthy performance. Bridge of Spies is one of those amazing movies that makes you laugh, cry, get angry, worry, and feel inspired. My 12-year-old son enjoyed it and was very interested in the story-line. It is dark in some parts, especially some of the scenes involving the Berlin Wall. There is also some profanity, including two uses of the “f-word” which is used in a humorous way and not graphically.
I highly recommend Bridge of Spies. It is a powerful and inspiring movie. I would recommend it for viewers 12 and up, but you know your child and what they can handle. Go see Bridge of Spies and take someone with you so you can discuss it afterwards. Believe me, you will want to.
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Disclaimer: I attended a media screening of the movie to facilitate this review.