Yesterday my husband took me to go see Act of Valor. We were interested in seeing it even though most of the reviews we had heard were negative. What intrigued us was that those who had seen it and loved it were people who hold the military in high regard. We are a military family and we often grow tired of the seemingly endless stream of movies that make the military look like an unwashed rabble with a thirst for innocent blood. It grows old, especially when that is not the reality you are living day-to-day.
This movie gripped me from the very beginning. The men portraying the Navy Seals in the movie are real Seals. There are a few moments in the movie where it is obvious that the Seal is not a Hollywood actor, but I really did not mind because it made the movie more authentic to me. I felt as if these brave men were allowing me to peek into their world. I also got a better understanding of the camaraderie and interdependence men like my husband have when they are facing life and death together. The movie also reminds the audience that the threat from terrorism is real and still present.
The movie is rated R as there is a lot of violence, some torture, and language. When deciding whether to take your child to see this movie, I would say to know your child. None of the violence is gratuitous but it is real and gritty. My personal opinion is that children 13 and up might be able to handle this movie, but as I said, know your child.
I encourage you to watch this movie. See what so many brave Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines do to help protect you. But bring some tissue and be prepared to have your pulse raised.
Proud of our Military