The pressure of parenting can be unbelievably heavy and at times we might begin to feel that we are failing as parents. However, parenting is a whole lot easier when we can admit we do not have all the answers and when we speak openly and honestly with each other about our daily struggles. In 8 Simple Tools for Raising Great Kids, Todd Cartmell tackles many problems we all face as parents and gives some straight-forward advice on parenting.
I found this book to be very easy to read and full of practical advice. Todd Cartmell is a clinical child psychologist and he has been helping parents and children for 20 years. His advice comes from years of working with families in crisis and listening to kids and their parents. I read this book in just a few sittings over a couple of days. I often found myself nodding my head or even cringing as I recognized myself and my husband in his examples.
I loved this book because it is not a book about how to punish your kids when they are bad. Rather, Cartmell delineates the ingredients necessary for effective parenting and lasting relationships. All of the information in the book is useful and includes practical applications. One of my favorite pieces of advice form Cartmell is Listening Tip #3, “If you want your kids to be comfortable talking to you, make sure they get plenty of opportunity to practice” (p. 50).
There is a seemingly endless supply of unread parenting books gathering dust on bookshelves across the country. Grab this book and you will find that you actually read it because it is so well organized and such a quick read. In fact, you can begin implementing Cartmell’s ideas on day one.
Here is your chance to win a copy of this book. Leave a comment below and tell me one great thing about your kiddos.
One great thing about my kiddos is their acceptance of others who may be perceived as “different.” For example, we have a special needs adult in our home, and my kids are completely at ease with that person and their challenges. This has transferred to their interactions with those outside of our home and taught them empathy and acceptance for others. I love that!
One great thing about my babies is their wonderful caring hearts. They are such kind hearted individuals and it makes me proud to know that I have influenced them as such.
My kids are hilarious. They are that smart kind of funny that makes me think, “Oh my gosh, how did they come up with that?” They love making each other laugh.
A great thing about my youngest (11 years younger than next!) Is how quickly he apologizes and forgives with out us prompting him to. Makes me strive to be the same! Great things about my girls…..the are smart and kind! 🙂 <3