My son loves to build and create using blocks of all sorts and he is pretty good at it. While there are some academic areas that give him much difficulty, he never ceases to amaze me with his creativity and ingenuity as a builder and designer. I recently started to feel that the various blocks he had were not challenging enough for him anymore. I spent a little time on Google and searched for more advanced blocks and building toys and I came across Kapla blocks. I had never heard of these before but I was impressed. Kapla blocks, also called the magic planks, were invented by Tom van der Bruggen. If you have never seen these blocks before, check out the amazing pictures below and watch the short video at the end of this post.
These blocks have encouraged my son to think and design in new ways. They do not interlink and are not glued so the child must use balance, gravity, and intellect to build with these blocks. They cost more than your typical blocks but these are not typical. We bought the 200 piece set and hope to add to it soon.
Isn’t that amazing?
Does your family have Kapla blocks? What do you think of them? Feel free to leave a comment. Share and let’s talk about it.
Far-Out!!! Love the ending hahahahah
It was great!
We had so much fun building with these in the museum at Balboa park. Want big bins full of them.
I agree! Like I said, we have 200, but oh what we could do with 2000!
Great Photos and amazing video. The large circular sculpture beside the Eiffel Tower is actually made from KEVA planks – not Kapla blocks. KAPLA are the same dimensions as KEVA planks nut KEVA planks are made in the USA from maple. The structures you build from them are the same. We like the beauty and durability of KEVA.
I agree that Kapla and KEVA planks are a toy the whole family will use.
Thanks for that info! I will have to look into KEVA as I would prefer USA maple.